Tuesday, June 10, 2008

threading & gpgpu

This article describes threading and using a gpgpu for parallelizing work.

From the article, he compares the slowdown when threads need to share a resource to something like two people having to share a piece of paper. Also, stuff like the overhead for creating a process and communication of a gpgpu back to the main cpu will also cause a slowdown. In addition, the work needs to be suitable to separation into pieces that may be worked on independently. He also mentions the driver and disk i/o may also be bottlenecks.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Texas Instruments & DSP chips

Yahoo has an article about finding uses for more advanced multicore DSP chips. It states:
"While the new multicore chips from Intel and AMD always get a lot of press, TI has quietly shipped more than 1 billion multicore chips since 1996."

Friday, June 06, 2008

Monday, June 02, 2008


The scribus (open source desktop publishing program) wiki has a page on scaling an image to fill a frame proportionally with a python script. Also on the wiki it is suggested on the DTP vs. word processing page that database driven publishing can be a challenge but they attempt to allow that through the script interface. InDesign may allow javascript to do this kind of scripting, but I haven't tried either program out yet to see how this would actually work. I plan on looking at scribus and alternatives as a means of learning how to generate pdf's with python.