Friday, December 30, 2011

Chinese Character For Previous - #2

上页 (Shàng yè) - Previous

上一页 (Shàng yī yè) - Previous

Google translate has a text to speech feature that works for Chinese now:

According to the wikipedia article on Google translate, this feature's support for Mandarin launched on December 2010 and the open source project eSpeak was used. From its home page on Sourceforge, eSpeak uses something called a "formant synthesis" method. On eSpeak's languages page is a request for help from native speakers. A list of "provisional" languages indicates the ones that need help. Currently Welsh, Ancient Greek, Hindi, Armenian, Indonesian, Icelandic, Lojban, Georgian, Latin, Macedonian, Norwegian, Russian, Albanian, Vietnamese, Cantonese Chinese are listed.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New Year's resolution


I'm planning on doing a series of posts on Chinese characters for the New Year. Hopefully I will learn a little bit and have a chance to use some of the knowledge gained by taking an online a.i. class.

Today I did a Google search for a character meaning, and the engine figured out Google translate would be helpful.