Friday, March 07, 2008

Arduino board

Arduino board

I am interested about electronics and have started playing with an Arduino board to learn more. I am not familiar with the tools to assemble it and ended up playing with very basic things such as a soldering iron, 22 gauge solder, a board holder, magnifier, a clipper, a holder for the soldering iron, a multimeter. Besides the tools, other basics such as figuring out the ratings of capacitors and resistors had to be done. With some help from some other people, the hardware has now passed a simple blinking led test.

rfid for horse riding

High tech for horses

This article describes a system where cameras are aided by rfid tags and sensors to help videotape horse riders.

Snake Robots

This video had some interesting demos of the capabilities of snakebots: climbing poles, looking in boxes, and swimming.

This video was done at CMU, but there are other places working on similar projects as well: NASA, University of Michigan, and University of Washington.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Podcast about Blender

This podcast looks interesting. The site looks like it has a bunch of other neat stuff as well.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Ubuntu sound capture

I've started trying out Ubuntu.

This program helped:

I am currently using 7.10 and the console program mentioned there still worked.

After getting the gnome sound recorder to work, I went to Audacity and chose Edit -> Preferences . . . ->Audio I/O->Device: ALSA:default

to get it to use the new settings since I had changed them earlier trying to get it to work.