Saturday, September 08, 2007

siggraph 2006 notes and pictures / academics

Today is unusual for me because I had to get up early on Saturday for work. Also, I now need to wait for some things to get done around the house. So I have more time to web browse.

Boston, MA hosted the Siggraph 2006 conference. A summary of it is here.

Hopefully later he will post notes about the Siggraph 2007 conference in San Diego.

On the more research oriented side is this professor's site:

He was born in India, but works at UCI now. It looks like he has published quite a lot of papers and has earned some awards. He has worked at UCI for over 6 years now.

Also in the area are these professors:

They also have published quite a lot.

Their papers seem rather advanced for me. I am planning on sticking to textbooks and lecture notes. One textbook that was assigned as part of a class I took is Computer Graphics with OpenGL by Hearn and Baker.

The instructor who taught that class had some of the following links on his home page.

A computer graphics course that uses that book:
The school that teaches that course is Penn State University.

Other schools with online notes are York University and University of Waterloo:
I have not gone through those sites yet.

For the class, we did try a couple of these tutorials from Nate Robins:

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